JJMS science fair

Aiden created a train car that levitates using magnets. John built an electromagnet and tested his hypothesis regarding how many paper clips it could hold. Victoria created experiments to determine if light is a wave or a particle. 


These are some of the projects John Jay Middle School students presented at the school’s Science Fair on March 5. It was the fortieth annual fair at the school, said science teacher and fair organizer Zach Miller, addressing the crowd of families, educators and students. The event showed the students’ developing understanding of the scientific method. 


“The judges were very impressed by the originality of the work,” said Miller. He also complimented the students’ communication skills, enthusiasm and self-directed learning.  “Your hard work shows.”


JJMS science fair

Outstanding Awards 

Eighth graders Leah Laufer-Correia and Eleneh Mgeladze, “Spicy Sensations”— an exploration of the variables that affect a person’s response to spice. 


Seventh graders Rylee Guadron and Emma Berk, “How Products Affect Our Skin”—an investigation into skin care products’ impact on skin, using the brands in their own bathrooms. 


Honorable Mentions

Eighth grader Rachel Horesh, “Observing Quantum Mechanics: A Hands-on Demonstration”—a presentation of the basic principles of quantum mechanics, including an invitation to do an on-the-spot experiment with polarizing filters, which only allow light waves that vibrate in a specific direction to pass through.  


Sixth grader Greta Tomcho, “Chain Reactions” —which put forces of gravity, momentum, kinetic energy and more to the test through a handmade Rube Goldberg machine. 


“Sixth and seventh graders, keep at it,” said Miller. “Eighth graders, there are incredible opportunities in science waiting for you at John Jay High School including the Science Research program, the Science Olympiad Club … the sky’s the limit!”


THANK YOU TO THE JJMS PTO & JUDGES Meredith Black, Suzy Genzler, Naama Laufer, Amanda Mandel, Katja Schneidermesser and Steven Wysmuller.