Bond Resolution
Katonah-Lewisboro Board Of Education Adopts Bond Resolution For Capital Improvement Project
At its August 25, 2022 meeting, the Katonah-Lewisboro Board of Education approved a resolution to place a bond funding a Capital Improvement Project on an October 18 ballot. The $49.5 million Capital Improvement Project focuses on upgrades to all five schools informed by a commitment to student learning, school safety and sustainability.
“If approved, the referendum would lead to exciting learning environment upgrades at all five schools, assist in rebuilding aging infrastructure, and create healthier, safer, and more sustainable schools for students and staff,” said Superintendent Andrew Selesnick.
In June 2022, the Board of Education-appointed Facilities Committee, led by Committee Chair Elizabeth Gereghty, gave a comprehensive overview of the Capital Improvement Project. Exciting upgrades planned include a modern maker space in each elementary school’s library, a geothermal heating and cooling system at Katonah Elementary School, and new classrooms at Increase Miller Elementary School. John Jay Middle School would gain a greenhouse as well as upgrades in the auditorium and renovation of the library’s step lab. At John Jay High School, work would include renovation of the school’s B wing as a modern, flexible, learning commons; much needed updating and redesign of the C wing science classrooms and renovation of the auditorium and the school’s two step labs.
Air conditioning would be added to portions of each building. Important security enhancements would also be added at each school.
Wanting to provide the community with as much information as possible, the District plans to share more details and answer all questions through a variety of settings in the coming weeks:
Principals will highlight the positive impact of the Capital Improvement Project on their specific schools during welcome back events and curriculum nights.
Later in September, all Katonah-Lewisboro residents will receive an informative newsletter in the mail.
There will be explanatory posters and postcards at schools, grocery stores, libraries and community centers throughout the District.
The District is creating an informative Capital Improvement Project webpage to share details and answer questions.
The District will also host Open Houses specific to the Capital Improvement Project on October 3 and 4.
The district would be reimbursed for nearly 31 percent of the $49.5 million by New York State.
The vote is scheduled for October 18, from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., at Increase Miller Elementary, Katonah Elementary and Meadow Pond Elementary schools.