Ray Blanch

It was a kick-off that felt like a pep rally. Staff and educators gathered in John Jay High School’s theater today for Superintendent’s Conference Day. It was the first day back for most teachers. It was also Katonah-Lewisboro Schools’ first Superintendent’s Conference Day hosted by Superintendent Dr. Ray Blanch, who began his tenure in mid-July.

He conveyed energy and excitement from the very beginning.

“After I say, ‘we are,’ you say ‘K-L,” he said to the faculty and staff, striking a playful note.

Cheers could be heard outside in the hallway as the full theater celebrated 20 employees who had worked for Katonah-Lewisboro Schools for 25 years. “Thank you for your dedication, commitment and excellence,” said Dr. Neill Alleva, assistant superintendent for human resources. “You are mentors, role models and champions for students. You’ve helped them to grow into who they are today.”

It was also a time to welcome new employees. “We are thrilled that you have chosen KLSD,” said Board President Julia Hadlock.

Dr. Blanch led the faculty and staff through activities that put them at ease and supported teamwork, including an interactive live competition of KLSD trivia (what year was John Jay High School built?) narrowly won by Team Meadow Pond—Marisa Donaghy, Lina Foncello and Ann Marie Friscia.

He also spoke to the heart of education and his vision for the district. “The stronger your relationships, the more ready you are for cognitive engagement,” he said, reminding everyone in the room of the importance of building belonging. “Practice empathy. Approach students with compassion. Listen with your hearts. Look for ways to create harmony.”

As if on cue, four teachers in the District’s music department— Jen Fraczek, Jared Henderson, April Higgins and Carly Spaeth-Walsh—came forward and led the entire theater in singing “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” in four part harmony.

“We are,” Dr. Blanch called out. This time, “K-L” was full of might.